Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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The Spotlight Is On Sexual Harassment In All Varieties

Anyone who watches the news these days is well aware of the surge of sexual harassment complaints that is hitting Hollywood and politics right now. It seems as though people…


Employers Should Answer Sexual Harassment Complaints Seriously

One of the last things that you want to deal with when you make a complaint about sexual harassment is having to deal with an employer who isn’t taking you…


Understand Your Rights When Your Position Is Eliminated

Leaving a job when you don’t really want to is difficult. This is exactly what usually happens when positions are phased out and workers are let go because of that.…


Making Ends Meet When You Take Off Work For Family Health Crisis

You never know when a serious health crisis will arise in your family. Perhaps you are one of many California workers currently helping a family member in his or her…


Know What Type Of Severance Package You Are Entitled To

When you find out that you are losing your job, you need to find out what type of severance package you will get. This is something that you should have…


Terminations Can’t Be Retaliatory Or Discriminatory

Employers often think very carefully before they terminate an employee. Unfortunately, there are also employers who fire people just because they aren’t happy with a complaint the employee made against…


Things To Do After You Lose Your Job

Job loss can come as a shock to you, especially in the case of wrongful termination. If you find yourself in this situation, you need to decide where you are…


Your Pregnancy Shouldn’t Land You In An Unemployment Line

Are you one of many California mothers-to-be who feels as though she has waited a lifetime to conceive a child? No wonder when you learned of your expected bundle of…


You Have A Right To The Pay You Work Hard For

Most people find a job because they need to have an income to pay for the things that they need. Almost nobody works just because they think it is fun.…


Familiarize Yourself With California’s Wage And Hour Laws

When you accept a job offer, you are counting on the employer to pay you and do things in accordance with the applicable laws. The employer is expecting you to…