Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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5 Faqs On Workplace Sexual Harassment In California

As a woman working in the tech industry or a related industry in California, you may feel you need all the help you can get to deal with sexual harassment…


Do You Have A Legal Right To Severance Pay?

Your company is going to let you go. They’ve been up front about it, so you know it’s coming. They’ve given you a two-week warning. What you really want, though,…


When Are Meal Breaks Required In California?

Humans need to eat to survive, so it is understandable that people will need to take breaks to eat during a shift at work. California law sets very specific requirements…


Understand When Termination Is Illegal

Your ability to keep your job depends on how well you do your job. All employers have rules and guidelines that must be followed if you want to keep on…


Rocker And Drummer In Heated Legal Battle With Each Other

While you can be terminated for almost any reason under the sun, there are a few reasons that are illegal to use as the basis for termination. You can’t be…


Drug Testing And California Employers: 3 Things To Know

Last weekend NPR reported that employers in Colorado are rethinking their policies on employee drug testing. In a very tight labor market, employers are having second thoughts about insisting on…


Know What Should Be Included In A Severance Contract

Severance contracts are important for many employees. These contracts provide protections for the employee, but they also serve an important purpose for the employer. It is essential to ensure that…


5 Faqs On Workplace Retaliation And Whistleblower Protections

Most employment in the U.S is at “at will.” An employer can generally fire an employee at any time, unless there is a contract that requires the employer to show…


Sexual Harassment And Professional Networking

LinkedIn is supposed to be a professional networking platform — not a social or dating platform. It would probably be wise for company managers and executives to remember that before…


Help! My Employer Terminated Me While I Was On Family Leave

Workers who are taking a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) expect that they will have their job waiting for them when they return to work. This…