Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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Why Is Sexual Harassment Case Law So Inconsistent?

While sexual harassment might seem like a straightforward scenario — particularly if you are the victim — that isn’t always the case in court. Sexual harassment can be broken into…


Are You Dealing With A Workplace Bully?

You are protected from a hostile workplace in certain conditions. Your employer must take action to protect you from sexual harassment or address sexual harassment in the workplace. Discrimination is…


Some Common Workplace Rights Don’t Actually Exist

The rights you have in the workplace can be a gray area, and the information you might get from family and friends isn’t always correct. For example, you don’t always…


When Are You A Whistleblower?

California and federal law provide protection for whistleblowers. Protections include the fact that employers cannot move to prevent whistleblowing or retaliate against someone who has done so. But what is…


Man Files Lawsuit Alleging Retaliation After Complaint

A man has filed a lawsuit against Trader Joe’s, alleging that he was fired in retaliation for complaining about possible sexual harassment. In this case, the harassment was in the…


Laws Prohibit Your Employer From Retaliation In Certain Cases

Your employer has a right to discipline you for poor work performance or attendance, up to and including termination. Usually, this type of action requires a lot of paperwork and…


The Changing Way We Look At Sexual Harassment

An HBO movie called Confirmation, which relays the events around Clarence Thomas being confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, is raising new questions about sexual harassment and how the culture…


How Do Courts Decide If A Hostile Work Environment Exists?

Last week, we discussed how employers must be careful to avoid creating a hostile work environment for any employee or worker. But if you file a lawsuit claiming a hostile…


Get Back Up When Negotiating Severance Agreements

If you know that a termination in your employment is coming — especially if you are in a high-level executive job or otherwise positioned to negotiate — consider getting professional…


Does California Have A Whistleblower Law?

Almost every state has at least some mention of whistleblower protection in state laws, and California is no exception. California’s whistleblower provisions are noted in Government Code §§53296 et seq.…