Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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Certain Reasons For Termination Are Illegal

When a person gets terminated from a job, one of the first things he or she needs to do is to determine why he or she was let go. There…


Woman Sues For Wrongful Termination After Sexual Harrasment

A woman in California is suing her employer after she says the employer fired her for wrong reasons. She says that she was fired for reporting an incident with one…


Transgender Employees Might Be Harassed Or Face Discrimination

Employers in California have a lot of different factors to consider when they are trying to ensure that workers aren’t being subjected to harassment, discrimination or a hostile work environment.…


Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Resolved In Federal Court

A hostile work environment caused by sexual harassment is something that no employee should have to deal with. In fact, that type of situation is against federal laws. One company…


Learn How To Handle Retaliation And Wrongful Termination

Facing a situation at work that makes you uncomfortable doesn’t make doing your job easy. When that situation is something that is illegal, you might opt to speak out against…


Learn How To Handle Retaliation And Wrongful Termination

Facing a situation at work that makes you uncomfortable doesn’t make doing your job easy. When that situation is something that is illegal, you might opt to speak out against…


What Are Different Examples Of Retaliation By An Employer?

We have discussed a variety of issues related to employees filing complaints against employers. In almost every case, we have mentioned that employers can’t retaliate against employees who file valid…


When Is A Termination Considered Wrongful?

While many employers have the right to fire employees without any reason at all, there are some instances in which employers can’t fire employees. Employees who are engaging in a…


Work Rewards Shouldn’t Be Based On Sexual Favors

Sexual harassment in any business can harm the company. In last week’s post, we discussed how American Apparel is trying to stop the company’s founder from being able to take…


American Apparel Files Motions To Keep Founder From Position

When a person is accused of sexual harassment, a company should take action to make sure that the sexual harassment doesn’t continue. In the case of American Apparel, stopping complaints…