Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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What Adverse Actions Might Be Used Against Whistleblowers?

Employees often try to do what they can to ensure that their employer is a successful company. In some cases, the employees might be put in a position that makes…


Retaliation Isn’t Acceptable Following Sexual Harassment Claims

In our most recent post, we discussed the case of the bakery worker who is suing the former Santa Cruz mayor and her husband over claims of sexual harassment, a…


Woman Files Lawsuit Against Former Santa Cruz Mayor And Husband

Employees should be safe at work; however, there are some instances in which employees are put in danger by the very people who should be working to protect them. This…


Is Retaliation Because Of A Qui Tam Case Legal?

We have discussed a variety of whistleblower issues on this blog. It might interest some of our readers to know that there are specific protections in place for certain groups…


Is All Workplace Harassment The Same?

When you decide to work for a company, there are likely a few things that you considered when you accepted the job. One of the factors was likely that you…


Female Lifeguard Alleges Harassment, Case Finally Settled

Some people who read our blog might remember the show “Baywatch” that starred Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhoff. That show made the life of a lifeguard in California look almost…


Contract Workers Are Also Protected Against Sexual Harassment

Contract workers are often in an interesting place when it comes to what rights they have. For example, they may not have the right to take paid sick days. However,…


Employees Often Ignore Sexual Harassment

There are many reasons sexual harassment in the workplace goes overlooked in California. Sometimes, employees are too concerned about losing their jobs to say anything; other times, they don’t know…


Retaliation After Filing A Complaint About Harassment Isn’t Legal

We have often discussed how employees should never have to deal with sexual harassment. All forms of sexual harassment at work are illegal. Despite that fact, some employees still deal…


You Can Pursue Claims Regarding Sexual Harassment And Retaliation

Retaliation for reporting sexual harassment is illegal. That, however, doesn’t stop some employers from making the workplace difficult for people who do file reports about sexual harassment. As we discussed…