Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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Whistleblowers Deserve To Be Protected From Backlash

Last week’s blog post discussed how some people who were working for the Veterans’ Affairs office shed light on how some paperwork was swept under the rug for years. If…


Whistleblowers Shed Light On Troubling Issue Plaguing Veterans

The United States and California have special protections for whistleblowers for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is that the information whistleblowers provide sometimes sheds light on ways…


Sexual Harassment In Sports Is Common, California Is No Exception

Last week, we let our readers know about how Ronda Rousey is taking a stand against sexual harassment in MMA gyms. Those aren’t the only gyms that sexual harassment is…


Ronda Rousey Fights Against Inappropriate Actions And Comments

With Ronda Rousey back in the spotlight, MMA fans might find some interesting results about a stand she is taking. Rousey has been using her fame to take a stand…


Just Say No To Sexual Harassment In California

In our entry last week, we discussed some points about quid pro quo harassment and what all it entails. Our California readers probably know by now that we don’t believe…


Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment Isn’t Acceptable In California

In our previous blog post, we discussed the case of the judge who was being accused of sexual harassment. If you remember correctly, the person accusing him said that he…


Hearing Set For California Judge Accused Of Sexual Harassment

Many people think of judges as citizens who represent the type of behavior that is a model for everyone in the community. In most cases, that is the truth. As…


Anyone Can Be A Victim Of A Hostile Work Environment

In the last post here, we discussed what constitutes a hostile work environment. Some of our California readers might be wondering if a situation they are dealing with at work…


A Hostile Work Environment Is Not Ever Acceptable In California

We have often discussed how a hostile work environment is one of the possible ways that someone can be sexually harassed. This might have some of our California readers wondering…


What Are The New Sexual Harassment Laws For Farm Workers?

Sexual harassment has historically been a problem for people who work in the agricultural industry in California. In a move that will help to keep agricultural workers protected, farm labor…