Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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Does Retaliation Have To Be Done On Purpose?

We have discussed retaliation and how it affects employees in the United States. Those posts might have some of our California readers with some questions about retaliation. In a nutshell,…


Retaliatory Actions Aren’t Ever Acceptable; Know Your Rights!

Many of our readers have often read stories about employees who were retaliated against after making complaints about sexual harassment. Those many posts might have some of our California readers…


Don’t Deal With A Hostile Work Environment: Take Action

Sexual harassment in the workplace can make things unbearable. Trying to avoid the harasser and trying to deal with the stress can make work a very stressful place. It is…


Former Zillow Employee Files Sexual Harassment Suit

Sexual harassment in companies is often swept under the rug, and even if an employee reports the harassment, appropriate action may not be taken. When employees believe they are the…


Wrongful Termination Guidelines In California Are Complex

When employees get a job, they expect to get paid. They don’t expect to be fired for illegal reasons. When an employee is terminated for no good reason, that employee…


All Forms Of Harassment Can Lead To A Hostile Work Environment

In our blog post last week, we discussed a politician who is being accused of sexual harassment. If you recall, the latest accusation doesn’t involve the politician physically touching anyone.…


California Politician Accused Of Sexual Harassment, Again

We have often discussed how sexual harassment isn’t acceptable for any workplace. Political campaign offices aren’t a suitable place for sexual harassment. A recent news story about a Republican candidate…


Can A Whistleblower Be Fired For Making The Report?

In some of our previous blog posts, we have discussed cases that involve whistleblowers who bring violations of the law into the public’s eye. Those cases might have some of…


Whistleblower Protections Cover More Than Just Being Fired

Last week, we discussed some points about whistleblowers and how they have important protections to ensure they aren’t fired or retaliated against for speaking up. When employers ignore those protections,…


Non-employee Sexual Harassment Isn’t Legal

In last week’s blog post, we discussed how people work for tips in the restaurant industry are more prone to have to deal with sexual harassment than those who don’t…