Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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New Bill Addresses Harassment In California’s Farming Industry

There have been issues for a time now with sexual harassment in California, specifically in the industry of farming. A new bill has been created to address the problem, and…


Women In Building Trades Face Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

The role that women play in many industries has shifted massively over the years, giving them more opportunities than ever before. However, recent reports indicate that there are still a…


Petaluma Receives Sexual Harassment Claim From Firefighter

The City of Petaluma might soon find itself in the middle of a court battle over the sexual harassment of a female firefighter. The woman, who was the first female…


Types Of Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

When you think of sexual harassment in the workplace, your thoughts might automatically go toward someone who is being groped or touched. That, however, is only one form of sexual…


Are Interns Protected From Sexual Harassment In The Workplace?

Many organizations use interns who are not paid for their time or their services. Often, these organizations are corporations who are allowing interns to work for them as part of…


Woman At Yahoo Facing Sexual Harassment Case In California

One the executives at Yahoo is facing a sexual harassment case, which was recently filed in a court in California. While many of these types of cases involve male executives…


California Nanny Makes Serious Claims Against Employer

Imagine working at job in which you weren’t allowed to take breaks for days at a time. Now, imagine that you have a medical condition that makes it difficult to…


Why Sexual Harassment Still Happens In California And Elsewhere

Many people find it hard to believe that sexual harassment in the workplace is still an issue in modern society. They look at shows like “Mad Men,” a show set…


Wrongful Termination Claim Filed By California Woman

A worker for the Crestline Sanitation District has filed a lawsuit that claims she was wrongfully terminated from her position. The woman was hired by the district in October of…


Wrongful Termination Claim Made After Firefighter Fired

For people in some careers, actions away from work can have a profound impact on their jobs. A case that has been going on for more than three years that…