Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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Paso Robles Police Chief Accused Of Sexual Misconduct

For those who subscribe to the misguided notion that sexual harassment in the workplace is only committed by men, here is a story from Paso Robles, California that suggests otherwise.…


How To Treat A Job Dismissal During Maternity Leave

Employees in the Sacramento-area might be shocked to discover that there are still some companies who illegally fire female employees for taking maternity leave. With the concept of maternity leave…


Alameda County Official Accused Of Sexual Harassment

When someone wants to protect and serve the public, their job can be stressful enough because of the dangers involved. When a probation officer is subjected to sexual harassment and…


California Worker Wins Disability Discrimination Lawsuit

Discrimination can come in many forms, whether it is based on race, gender, age or sexual preference. A recent case involving disability discrimination has come to a fortunate end. A…


Firefighter Likely Fired Because Of Her Gender

When a person is seeking the help of a firefighter or emergency service worker, their only concern is the ability of the person reporting to assist them, not whether they…


Restaurant Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Sexual harassment in the workplace can create an extremely hostile work environment for the victim of the act and unfortunately, even when those victims speak out, they are not always…


California Case Questions The Definition Of “hostile Work Environment”

Sexual harassment in the workplace is pretty easy to spot — or is it? The case of one California woman who recently had the $250,000 awarded to her in her…


Harassment Allegations Filed Against California Women’s Shelter

A woman who worked as the director of a California shelter for victims of domestic violence recently brought a harassment and discrimination lawsuit against her former bosses. A shelter that…


Discrepancies Complicate Sexual Harassment Claims Against Ceo

A former CEO of Hewlett-Packard has been accused of sexually harassing a contractor who worked for him, according to a letter ordered released by a court last week. In the…


Ex-warriors Employee Sues Team, Player For Harassment

The former director of community relations for the Golden State Warriors is suing one of the team’s players for alleged harassment. She has also named two co-executive chairmen, a general…