Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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Merced County Official Accused Of Inappropriate Behavior

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not tolerated under California law. An official in California’s Merced County is expected to be facing at least a reprimand from the Board of…


Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Often Kept Quiet

Under California law, anyone that feels they are experiencing harassment in the workplace is entitled to seek compensation and protection in their place of employment. Since the passage of the…


California Day School Facing Discrimination Allegations

Workplace discrimination and wrongful terminations often go hand in hand. In California, these actions are illegal and courts often come down hard on those found guilty of perpetrating these offenses.…


Wrongful Termination Claim Moves Forward For Executive Chef

In California, there may be a legitimate cause for termination for employees. However, by that same token, there are cases where an employee is let go and that termination is…


Former Officer Turns Employment Law On Its Head In California

Race discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace abounds throughout California and everyone must be diligent to safeguard their rights. Sexual harassment and racial discrimination can even take the form…


Inappropriate Actions And Comments Alleged In Reality Show

Inappropriate actions and comments in the workplace can lead to a hostile work environment. Ignored complaints about sexual harassment further compound the emotional strain felt by victims of this kind…


Retaliatory Discharge Lawsuit Filed Against California Bank

In California, reporting misconduct in the workplace should not lead to employment termination. When employees fear retaliatory actions for voicing their concerns, a hostile work environment can be created. On…


Sexual Harassment Suit Filed Against Fitness Center

Nearly everyone would agree that a workplace should be a comfortable place to work, not an environment ripe with derogatory and discriminating commentary. Unfortunately, sexual harassment in the workplace does…


Eeoc: Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Improperly Handled

A lawsuit currently pending in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California alleges that a multibillion-dollar property management company erred in the way they handled the sexual…


Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Leads To $230,000 Court Award

When you bring claims of sexual harassment in the workplace to your employer, at the very least you expect the claims to be taken under serious consideration. Unfortunately, that is…