Author Archives: Natalia D. Asbill-Bearor

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The Types Of Breach Of Contract You Should Be Aware Of

In the business world, particularly for those who deal with a lot of contracts with vendors, employees, or even customers, it is only a matter of time before someone fails…


What Is Considered Circumstantial Evidence in Discrimination Cases?

Illegal employment discrimination only rarely happens out in the open. More often, employers and supervisors try to conceal the discriminatory purpose of the adverse employment actions they take against employees…


Are Non-Compete Agreements Enforceable in California?

Generally speaking, non-compete agreements (also sometimes called non-competition agreements, or simply non-competes) are not enforceable in California against former employees. However, those agreements can be enforced against others, including former…


5 Common Workplace Retaliation Tactics

People always say to listen to your gut. If your gut tells you that you are the victim of workplace retaliation, listen. Retaliation can take many forms so it may…


How to Recognize and Combat Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Across the world, over 1 billion people are currently living with some form of disability. The World Health Organization reports this number is increasing every single day. Unfortunately, people with…


8 Things Employees and Employers Need to Know About Religious Discrimination in the Workplace

Most Sacramento-area businesses and their workers generally understand that religious discrimination in the workplace is illegal. They may not, however, have full knowledge of the scope of the protections laws…


Sexual Harassment Happens In The Virtual Workplace, Too

Remote work is here to stay. Businesses left with no choice but to find ways to survive during the pandemic turned to virtual technologies to keep them on course. After…


How Should I Report Sexual Harassment at My Job?

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a growing problem. According to the EEOC, over 7,500 sexual harassment claims were filed in 2018, a 14 percent increase from the previous year.…


How Can I Prove I am Being Discriminated Against at Work?

Discrimination may occur in many forms and in various ways. The warning signs may be subtle but damaging. Anti-discrimination laws exist to prevent discrimination against particular groups of people, known…


Five Examples of Pregnancy Discrimination

Pregnancy is usually a time of joy. However, it can be a source of great anxiety if the pregnant woman is experiencing pregnancy discrimination, which may have devastating consequences for…