Category Archives: Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

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High Burden Of Proof Makes Sexual Harassment Cases Difficult

Sexual harassment cases are often difficult to prove for a host of reasons. One of the issues that many people have is that the commonplace definition of sexual harassment often…


Was There A Culture Of Sexual Harassment At Fox News?

Many people hve heard about the recent sexual harassment scandal that led to the resignation last month of Fox News chief Roger Ailes from the network he started. It began…


Why Is Sexual Harassment Case Law So Inconsistent?

While sexual harassment might seem like a straightforward scenario — particularly if you are the victim — that isn’t always the case in court. Sexual harassment can be broken into…


The Changing Way We Look At Sexual Harassment

An HBO movie called Confirmation, which relays the events around Clarence Thomas being confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, is raising new questions about sexual harassment and how the culture…


Understanding The Emotional Damages Of Sexual Harassment

Dealing with an issue of quid pro quo sexual harassment can be emotionally draining for someone. Often, the person facing the harassment is dealing with demands from someone who is…


3 Things To Do When Faced With Sexual Harassment

It shouldn’t be your responsibility to ensure you are safe from sexual harassment in any workplace, but the sad truth is that even good employers can’t be everywhere. Sometimes, you…


What Are Some Types Of Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment doesn’t just refer to quid pro quo harassment these days, and there are a number of activities that could be considered harassment in the workplace. If you feel…


What Is Quid Pro Quo Harassment?

Quid pro quo is Latin for “this for that.” Quid pro quo harassment occurs when someone demands an inappropriate thing for a favor or something of value in the workplace.…


Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment Is Never Acceptable

An employer who allows sexual harassment to occur in the business is likely going to have serious legal issues. It is important for victims of sexual harassment at work to…


Work Rewards Shouldn’t Be Based On Sexual Favors

Sexual harassment in any business can harm the company. In last week’s post, we discussed how American Apparel is trying to stop the company’s founder from being able to take…