Category Archives: Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

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Female Harvesters Win Sex Harassment Suit

A group of female tomato pickers who reported sexual harassment will receive a $150,000 settlement from their former employer, according to government reports. The women were part of an Equal…


San Diego Mayor Accused Of Harassment By Third Woman

A third woman has come forward with allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace after she said the mayor of San Diego attempted to kiss her. The woman alleges the…


California Farm Workers Suffer From Sex Assaults

Farm workers are known as one of the most vulnerable populations for sexual harassment in the workplace. This is particularly true of women who work in California’s agricultural sector, with…


Domino’s Corporate Faces Sexual Harassment Suit

An appellate court in California has ruled that Domino’s Pizza can be held responsible as a corporation for sexual harassment perpetuated by franchise owners. A lower court had previously held…


Calif. Councilman Faces Charges For Alleged Sexual Harassment

In many sexual harassment cases in the workplace, those being harassed are hesitant to step forward for fear of losing their job. In other instances, even when an employee reports…


Woman Sues California Firm For Alleged Sexism

A California-based venture capital firm has made a legal move to avoid addressing a discrimination suit brought by one of its partners. The suit alleges the woman dealt with ignored…


Paso Robles Police Chief Accused Of Sexual Misconduct

For those who subscribe to the misguided notion that sexual harassment in the workplace is only committed by men, here is a story from Paso Robles, California that suggests otherwise.…


Alameda County Official Accused Of Sexual Harassment

When someone wants to protect and serve the public, their job can be stressful enough because of the dangers involved. When a probation officer is subjected to sexual harassment and…


Former Officer Turns Employment Law On Its Head In California

Race discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace abounds throughout California and everyone must be diligent to safeguard their rights. Sexual harassment and racial discrimination can even take the form…


Sexual Harassment Suit Filed Against Fitness Center

Nearly everyone would agree that a workplace should be a comfortable place to work, not an environment ripe with derogatory and discriminating commentary. Unfortunately, sexual harassment in the workplace does…