Category Archives: Sexual Harassment

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Victims Of Sexual Harassment Might Not Want To File A Report

Being sexually harassed at work is never a pleasant experience. These situations often come with a lot of uncertainty. People don’t always realize that the mental and emotional turmoil can…


Sexual Harassment Complaints Can Come From Witnesses

Being sexually harassed at work can mean more than just someone touching you in a sexual manner. In fact, many instances of sexual harassment are verbal. This can make the…


Sexual Harassment At Work Demands Immediate Attention

Being sexually harassed at work can make you not even want to return to your job. This is a difficult position to be in, because you know that you need…


Sexual Harassment In The Military Mustn’t Continue

Nobody should ever have to deal with sexual harassment while they are at work. It doesn’t matter what job they do, the workplace should be free of this atrocious behavior.…


Sexual Harassment Awareness Is Heightened Due To #metoo Movement

The #MeToo movement has brought sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual behavior into the limelight. Even though some people might be watching what is going on and thinking that the only…


Know What Constitutes Sexual Harassment

No employee should have to deal with sexual harassment of any sort. What many people don’t realize is that not all sexual harassment involves actually touching. In fact, there might…


Filing A Complaint About Sexual Harassment Might Be Difficult

Filing a complaint regarding sexual harassment can be difficult for a victim. People who haven’t ever been through this type of situation might not realize the emotional toll that it…


Protocol For Handling Sexual Harassment Must Be Established

All employers should have established protocol for reports regarding harassment or discrimination. While many of these cases can simply be reported to a designated person, this isn’t the case for…


Sexual Harassment Is Reprehensible — Take Action Immediately

You go to work to earn a paycheck. You shouldn’t have to deal with reprehensible behaviors like sexual harassment when you are at work. If you are subjected to sexual…


Sexual Harassment Claims Rarely Include Accusations Against Women

When many people think about sexual harassment claims, they think of the ones that are made against men. Some people might wonder why there aren’t many claims made against women.…